Ear Surgery

Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to correct the appearance of the ears. It can involve reshaping, repositioning, or reducing the size of the ears. The goal of otoplasty is to improve the balance of the ears in proportion to the head and face. The procedure can be performed on children or adults and is usually performed under local or general anesthesia. Otoplasty can be done for cosmetic reasons or to correct congenital disabilities, injuries, or misshapen ears. The results of otoplasty are typically permanent, but in some cases, the ears may need to be re-operated if the shape changes over time.

Yes Doctor’s Plastic Surgery Procedure Ear Surgery

What is Ear Surgery?

Ear surgery or otoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct ears that are overly large, disproportionate with head and face, or protruding on one or both sides in varying degrees. Ear surgery can also correct congenital defects in ear structure and treat ears that are misshapen due to injury or previous surgery. 

Ear surgery creates a more natural ear shape while creating balance with the head and the rest of the face. It is usually done with both ears to maintain symmetry. Moreover, ear surgery doesn't alter the position and audibility of the ears. 

The ideal auriculocephalic angle (the angle or spacing between ears and head) ranges between 20 to 30 degrees. However, if the angle is more than 30 degrees, it may be an indication for performing ear surgery. 

Children who are good candidates for ear surgery are the ones:

  • with a sound health record without a fatal illness or untreated chronic ear infections

  • with ear cartilage stable enough for correction (children typically five years old or more)

  • who are sensible enough to cooperate and follow instructions well

  • who can communicate and do not raise objections while discussing surgery

Adults who are good candidates for ear surgery are the ones:

  • who are healthy and do not have a chronic illness that can negatively impact the healing process

  • who do not smoke

  • with a positive outlook and specific surgical outcomes in their mind

Procedure Steps

The steps of the procedure may vary based on the type of ear surgery being performed. However, a general outline of the procedure is as follows:


The patient is given either local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure.


The surgeon makes incisions in the skin behind the ear or within the ear's natural folds to access the cartilage and reshape it as necessary. The surgeon reshapes the cartilage by removing or repositioning it to create the desired ear shape. Stitches may be used to hold the new shape in place.

Closing the incisions

After the incisions have been made, they are sealed off and the area is covered, then a head wrap is put on to both secure the ears and maintain the desired shape. How the incisions are closed is personalized to make sure that other structures are not affected and that the result does not have a fake "pinned back" look.

Types of Ear Surgery

  • Which Ear Surgery is Right for You?

    Selecting the right type of ear surgery can be confusing and overwhelming. However, with the help of a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, the decision can be made easier. There are various types of ear surgery, including otoplasty for protruding ears, earlobe repair for torn or stretched earlobes, and reconstructive ear surgery for congenital deformities or injury-related abnormalities. The right type of ear surgery for you will depend on your specific needs and concerns.

    A good candidate for ear surgery should be in good health with no severe, pre-existing medical conditions. Candidates suitable for ear surgery should not have surreal expectations of the procedure’s outcome. It is essential to consult with a plastic surgeon who specializes in ear surgery to determine the right type of procedure for your specific needs. During the consultation, the surgeon will assess your ears, discuss your goals and expectations, and recommend the most suitable options. Additionally, it is important to consider the risks and benefits of each type of ear surgery, as well as the recovery time and costs involved. With the right information and guidance, you can make an informed decision and achieve your desired results.

  • Otoplasty

    Otoplasty, otherwise referred to as cosmetic ear surgery, is a type of surgery that is done on the visible part of the outer ear, referred to as the auricle. This auricle is composed of folds of cartilage that are covered in skin and begins to develop during the period prior to birth and even continues to grow in the years to follow. If you are experiencing any abnormal delays or irregularities in the auricle, you may decide to go ahead with otoplasty to change the position, size, or shape of your ears.

    There are several different types of otoplasty:

    • Ear augmentation. If you have small ears or ears that haven't completely developed, in these cases, otoplasty is right for you to increase the size of the outer ear.

    • Ear pinning. Your ears seem to stick out abnormally if your auriculocephalic angle (spacing or angle between head and auricle of the ear) is more than 30 degrees. Otoplasty is the right procedure to counteract this problem. Ear pinning involves drawing the ears closer to the head. 

    • Ear reduction. Ear reduction is performed to treat macrotia. Macrotia is a condition when your ears are larger than usual. People with this condition may choose to have otoplasty to reduce their ears' size.

  • Tympanoplasty

    Tympanoplasty is a surgical procedure to repair a ruptured eardrum that doesn't close or heal on its own. Causes of the eardrum hole may include but are not limited to:

    • infection

    • ventilation ear tubes that fall out or are removed

    • injury or puncture due to Q-tips

    • cholesteatoma (an abnormal collection of skin cells within or behind the eardrum)

    Mostly eardrum repairs by itself. Doctors don't perform the tympanoplasty right away. They may wait for years for the eardrum to repair on its own among young children. They may also wait if the patient has an ongoing ear problem or infection.

  • Stapedectomy

    A stapedectomy is a medical operation done to cure hearing loss resulting from otosclerosis. This disorder occurs when the stape (a tiny U-shaped bone in the middle ear which helps to hear by transmitting sound waves from the middle ear to the inner ear) grows abnormally and gets fused with the neighbouring bone tissue, which results in a loss of its essential elasticity to transfer sound waves from the middle ear to the inner ear. Otosclerosis has a negative effect on hearing by harming the stape. During a stapedectomy, the surgeon replaces the ruined stape with an artificial device. Healthcare providers do the stapedectomy surgery to bring back the patient's hearing.

  • Mastoidectomy

    A mastoidectomy is an operation that involves taking away infected cells from the air-filled cavities of the mastoid bone. This bone is shaped like a honeycomb and is located in the back part of your ear. It is also done to cure cholesteatoma (a non-cancerous enlargement that forms behind the eardrum) or ear infections that have spread to the skull. The extent of the surgery will depend on the individual case. If a person has a ruptured eardrum, mastoidectomy may be combined with tympanoplasty.

  • Cochlear Implantation

    A cochlear implant is a small and intricate electronic gadget that can enable a person who is totally deaf or profoundly hard of hearing to experience sound. The implant is composed of an outer apparatus that is situated behind the ear and a second part that is inserted surgically beneath the skin. This device is different from a hearing aid that only amplifies sound so that impaired ears can detect them. On the other hand, a cochlear implant directly stimulates the auditory nerve, circumventing the broken parts of the ear. Kids and adults with extreme deafness or significant hearing deficiency are suitable for this type of implant.

Why Ear Surgery?

Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that can improve the appearance of the ears. It is usually performed to correct the ears' shape, size, or position. Otoplasty is done for several reasons. It offers several benefits to individuals who undergo the procedure. Firstly, it can improve self-esteem and boost confidence by creating a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Secondly, it can correct any physical deformities or asymmetries in the ears that may have caused discomfort or embarrassment.

Additionally, ear surgery can enhance the overall balance and proportion of the face, leading to a more harmonious look. Furthermore, ear surgery is usually a relatively straightforward procedure with a relatively short recovery period. It can be performed on both children and adults. The results of ear surgery are often long-lasting and can significantly improve an individual's quality of life.

Listed below are the problems that the ear surgery is a solution to:

  • Ears stick out too far
  • Ears are too big
  • Dissatisfied with previous ear surgery
  • Don’t like the shape
  • Misshapen due to injury or birth defect

What are Concerns for Ear Surgery?

Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is a safe and useful approach to treating ears that are too prominent or large. Similarly to all surgical operations, there are potential issues and risks that come with the procedure. Early on, the complications could include a collection of blood, bleeding, skin necrosis, infection, and wound dehiscence. In the long term, the problems may be asymmetry, sensitivity, scarring, suture extrusion, or a result that isn't aesthetically pleasing. These issues are rare, but if they do occur, extra medical care might be needed. Before the operation, it is critical to discuss with a certified plastic surgeon the risks and complications associated with ear surgery. By taking all the factors into account, a person can decide if this procedure is suitable for them. Moreover, prior to the operation, you will be requested to sign documents to make sure that you understand the procedure you will undergo, the alternatives, and the most likely risks and potential complications

  • Bleeding

    While it is not a common occurrence, hematoma (blood accumulation) may take place during or after a medical operation. This bleeding may start instantly after the operation or a few days later. In case of postoperative bleeding, urgent medical attention might be necessary to take away the collected blood. For a ten-day period before the surgery, take no aspirin or anti-inflammatory medicines, as they could escalate the risk of bleeding. Furthermore, self-administered non-prescription herbs and dietary supplements can also amplify the risk of surgical bleeding. The pooling of blood under the skin can slow down the healing process and may leave a scar. If you have any queries or worries about bleeding following ear surgery, it is advisable to contact your plastic surgeon for advice.
  • Scarring

    Scars may be unsightly and different in color from the adjacent skin. It is also possible to have visible marks from the stitches utilized during an otoplasty. Generally, scars from ear surgery will start off as red and elevated, but with the passage of time, they will become less detectable. At times, the scars may develop hyperpigmentation, meaning they will become darker than the nearby skin. To lower the probability of scarring, it is vital to adhere to the postoperative instructions given by the surgeon, such as avoiding strenuous physical activity, keeping the incision site clean and dry, and abstaining from sun exposure.
  • Over-correction

    Over-correction after otoplasty, also known as over-resection or over-reduction, occurs when too much tissue is removed during the ear surgery, resulting in ears that are smaller or closer to the head than intended. It can result in a surgical correction that is too drastic and appears unnatural. If you are experiencing over-correction after otoplasty, it is important to consult your plastic surgeon to determine the best course of action. In some cases, revision surgery may be necessary to correct the issue and achieve the desired result.

Steps to getting your procedure


Step 1


Step 2

Matching with a doctor

Step 3

Getting financing

Step 4

Booking a consultation

Why Yes Doctor for Ear Surgery

Yes Doctor fills the financial gap between the patient and the provider by offering easy-to-access payment plans. Yes Doctor's Buy Now Pay Later policy offers loans to patients that help them pay their procedure charges upfront and split the cost into manageable monthly payments. On the other hand, providers get completely paid for their work just as the procedures begin.

By working with Yes Doctor, patients can focus on the procedure's benefits rather than worrying about the cost. At the same time, providers can also experience improved clientele. However, it's important to carefully review the terms and conditions of our financing agreement before signing up.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best age for otoplasty (ear surgery) can vary. However, it is typically recommended for children between the ages of 4 and 14. It is because the ear is mainly developed by age four, and the cartilage has become sturdy enough to hold the desired shape after the surgery. However, otoplasty can also be performed on adults if desired. The ideal age for otoplasty will depend on the individual's specific needs and concerns. It's best to consult a plastic surgeon to determine the best time for the procedure.
No, otoplasty (ear surgery) does not affect hearing. Otoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is performed on the ears to reshape or reposition them. It is designed to improve the appearance of the ears. The procedure is performed on the external structure of the ear and does not involve the inner ear, which is responsible for hearing. However, if the ear is swollen or has any drainage after the surgery, it might mildly and temporarily affect your hearing. It is important to follow the postoperative instructions of your surgeon to minimize any potential complications and ensure a successful recovery.
The timeframe of an otoplasty (ear surgery) can differ based upon the individual's specific objectives and requirements. Generally, it will take 1 to 2 hours to complete the treatment. In certain cases that are more complex, more time may be required. On the other hand, earlobe repair is usually done under local anesthesia and could be done faster than a complete otoplasty. It is essential to have a conversation with your surgeon about the anticipated time of the procedure so you can have a clear understanding of what to expect.
No, head shaving is not typically required for otoplasty (ear surgery). The procedure is performed on the ear's external structure; only a small area around the ear is shaved, if necessary, to allow for proper surgical access. The amount of hair that needs to be shaved will depend on the specific needs of the procedure and will be discussed with you before the surgery. The goal is to minimize visible scarring and preserve as much hair as possible.

Doctors that perform Ear Surgery procedures