Facial Implants

Facial implants are surgical devices that enhance and augment the natural contours of the cheek, chin, and jaw. They are typically made from materials like silicone, which are biocompatible and safe for long-term use. Facial implants enhance the face's natural contours, providing a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Facial implants also restore facial shape after trauma or disease (such as cancer). The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and takes about one to two hours. The procedure is crafted to the patient's unique needs. After the procedure, patients may experience some swelling and discomfort, but this typically resolves within a few days.

Yes Doctor’s Plastic Surgery Procedure Facial Implants

What are facial implants?

Presently, facial implants made out of silicone are greatly employed for facial skeleton insertion. These implants are both for aesthetic and reconstructive purposes and are installed in the mid and lower face. 

Many individuals have cheek implants inserted to give their cheeks a higher and more prominent look if they appear slightly flat or sunken. People whose chins are too small and disproportionate in comparison to the other parts of their faces often select to have chin implants. Moreover, chin implants are frequently suggested to people who are receiving reparative nose surgery to maintain facial symmetry, since the size of the chin might influence the appearance of the nose. Conversely, jaw implants are used to broaden the lower third part of the face. A feeble jaw may be considered as being sloped instead of angled, from the ear to the chin. In some cases, both the chin and jaw can affect facial balance.

Procedure steps

A facial implant procedure may involve the following steps:


Facial implants are typically performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, where the patient is fully asleep or insensitive to pain during the procedure. Anesthesia allows the surgeon to perform the procedure with greater precision and control and minimizes the risk of movement or discomfort for the patient. The type of anesthesia used will depend on the patient's medical history, the surgery's extent, and the patient's and the surgeon's preferences.

Cheek implants

The precise placement of an insert on the cheekbone is determined by the part of the face that needs to be enhanced. Usually, the implant is inserted through an incision inside the mouth. In cases where more than one procedure is done at the same time, cuts may also be made inside the lower eyelid or within the hairline as an alternative entry point for the implant.

Chin implants

When getting a chin implant, the incision is usually made inside the mouth, along the line where the lower lip meets the gums. An alternate way to get the implant is to make an incision just under the chin.

Jaw implants

Jaw implant placement involves incisions inside the mouth, back along the jawline at the crease joining cheeks and gums. Your incisions are closed with absorbable sutures or removable stitches that are typically removed within one to two weeks following the surgery.


Recovery after facial implant surgery varies depending on the type and extent of the procedure. However, in general, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days following the surgery. Getting plenty of rest and avoiding strenuous activities during the initial recovery period is important to allow the body to heal properly. Most patients can return to work and other normal activities within a week or two. However, following your surgeon's instructions closely and taking good care of yourself can help ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

Types of Facial Implants

  • Which Facial Implants is Right for You?

    Choosing the right facial implant for you is a highly personal choice because of the elective nature of the surgery. Choosing the right facial implant involves careful consideration of several factors. If you have a weak, overly small chin, undefined cheekbones, lack of facial definition, congenital deformities in your face, or deformity due to facial injury; facial implants may be right for you. 

    It's important to start by consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon experienced in performing facial implant surgeries. Your surgeon will be able to evaluate your specific needs and desires and make recommendations on the best type of implant for you. Additionally, before undergoing a facial implant procedure, it's important to understand your facial anatomy and desired outcomes clearly. Do you want to add volume to your cheeks or jawline, or do you want to enhance the overall contour of your face? It will help guide you in choosing the right type of implant. 

    Educating yourself about the procedural steps, potential risks and concerns, and patient success stories help you make an informed decision. Moreover, viewing before-and-after photos can give you a better idea of what to expect from the procedure and help you determine whether or not the surgeon's style and results align with your goals and expectations.

    A brief overview of each facial implant procedure might help you educate yourself about which facial implant is right for you:

  • Chin implants

    Chin implant surgery, also known as mentoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure involving the placement of a silicone implant in the chin area to enhance the chin profile and overall facial balance. The procedure is commonly performed on individuals seeking to improve the appearance of a weak or recessed chin, which affects the overall symmetry and proportion of the face. Chin implant surgery can also be used to correct congenital or accidental deformities and to restore balance to the face. 

    The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. It involves placing an implant through a small incision under the chin or inside the mouth along the crease joining the lower lip and gums. 

  • Jaw implants

    Jaw implant surgery, also known as mandibular augmentation, is a cosmetic procedure involving the placement of a silicone implant in the jawline to improve the appearance of the lower face and facial symmetry. This procedure is commonly performed on individuals seeking to improve the appearance of a weak or recessed jawline to give the chin or jaws a more pronounced look. Jaw implant surgery can also correct congenital or acquired deformities and restore facial symmetry. 

    The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia. It involves the placement of a small implant through a small incision in the mouth along the crease joining cheeks and lower gums.

  • Cheek implants

    Cheek implant surgery, also known as malar augmentation, is a cosmetic procedure involving placing a silicone implant in the cheek area to enhance the appearance of the mid-face and improve overall facial symmetry. This procedure is commonly performed on individuals seeking to improve the appearance of flat, sunken, or aging cheeks, which can affect the overall balance and proportion of the face. Cheek implant surgery can also correct congenital deformities or structural abnormalities resulting from injury or accident. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia. 

    During the procedure, a small implant is placed through a small incision inside the mouth or under the eye. Overall, cheek implant surgery is a safe and effective option for individuals looking to enhance the appearance of their mid-face and achieve better facial balance and symmetry.

Why Facial Implants?

People get facial implants for a variety of reasons. For example, people get them to improve facial symmetry and balance, correct facial asymmetries, such as a weak or recessed chin, jawline, or cheek, restore lost volume leading to a sunken appearance, and create a more youthful appearance.

Moreover, this cosmetic procedure helps enhance self-confidence. Some individuals who are unhappy with the appearance of their face may experience a boost in self-confidence after undergoing a facial implant procedure. By correcting facial asymmetries, facial implants can help achieve better facial balance, symmetry, and increased confidence.

It's important to note that every individual's experience with facial implant surgery is unique. Some individuals may experience minimal discomfort during recovery, while others may experience more significant pain and swelling. The best thing about facial implants is that they can help individuals achieve their desired look and improve their overall appearance. If you're considering a facial implant procedure, it's important to have realistic expectations and to choose a qualified plastic surgeon who can help you achieve your desired outcome.

Facial implants help reap the following benefits:

  • Improve specific contours
  • Lift the surrounding tissues
  • Look more attractive
  • Feel more youthful
  • Balance to the appearance

What are Concerns for Facial Implants?

Facial implants are an important tool to provide instant and long-lasting volume enhancement to address aging and posttraumatic defects. However, facial implant surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and potential complications. The decision to get facial implants is highly personal, and it is imperative to understand potential risks and concerns that may arise from the procedure. You will be asked to sign a consent form to make sure that you completely understand the procedure and the potential risks and complications involved. The risk of complications is exceptionally high in patients with a weakened immune system, who have undergone radiation therapy, or who have a history of chronic illnesses such as diabetes. In addition, people who smoke are more likely to experience complications after a facial implant procedure, as nicotine can impair healing. The inexperience of the service provider and lack of patient understanding of the procedure and adherence to the post-operative guidelines may also result in unsatisfactory results and complications. Comprehensive preoperative discussions with patients might help decrease the incidence of malpractice and resulting complications. The most common complications involved in a facial implant procedure are (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Implant Migration or Displacement

    Facial implants are designed to be placed in a specific position. However, in some cases, the implant may move or shift from its original position to the surrounding tissues. It is the most complication of facial implants. It can lead to asymmetry or an unnatural appearance and may necessitate surgical intervention to correct the anomaly caused.
  • Infection

    Infection is a risk associated with any surgical procedure, including facial implant surgery. Some of the symptoms of infection following facial implant surgery may include: Pain and swelling in the affected area Redness or warmth in the affected area Drainage from the incision site Fever In order to minimize the risk of infection following facial implant surgery, it's important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon, follow all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, and avoid activities or conditions that may increase the risk of infection, such as smoking or exposure to large crowds or unhygienic conditions. You should seek urgent medical attention if you suspect an infection following facial implant surgery. Treatment for an infection following facial implant surgery may include antibiotics or implant removal.
  • Unsatisfactory Aesthetic Results

    In some cases, individuals may not be satisfied with their facial implant surgery results. It can be due to various factors, including implant placement, the type of implant used, or individual differences in healing and recovery. If you're unhappy with the results of your facial implant surgery, it's important to discuss your concerns with your surgeon and have realistic expectations for the procedure.

Steps to getting your procedure


Step 1


Step 2

Matching with a doctor

Step 3

Getting financing

Step 4

Booking a consultation

Why Yes Doctor for Facial Implants

Yes Doctor can help ease the process of getting facial implants by providing financial assistance to those who may not have the funds to pay for the procedure upfront. Our Buy Now Pay Later option allows patients to spread the procedure's cost over time, making it more manageable and affordable.

Yes Doctor offers flexible payment plans with low or no interest rates, allowing patients to choose a plan that best fits their budget. Moreover, we provide instant approvals so patients can receive funding quickly and easily and access board-certified surgeons effortlessly for their facial needs, leading to increased patient satisfaction and a boost in business for the provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

Facial implants can be a good option for those looking to enhance their facial features and improve their appearance. They are commonly used to enhance the cheekbones, jawline, and chin. They can provide a more harmonious and balanced facial appearance. Research shows that 85%-90% of patients are satisfied with their facial implant results and give a 'worth it' rating because facial implants typically offer long-lasting results, take minimal recovery time, and are relatively safe. Moreover, they can significantly impact one's self-esteem and confidence. However, it's important to consider the risks and complications associated with the procedure carefully and have realistic expectations.
The facial implants are meant to stay forever. The longevity of facial implants can vary depending on several factors, including the type of implant material and the location of the implant. Implants placed in areas with high levels of movement, such as the cheek or jaw, may experience more wear and tear over time and may need to be replaced more frequently than implants placed in other areas, such as the chin. In general, it is recommended to have periodic follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon to evaluate the condition of your facial implants and determine if any maintenance or replacement is necessary.
Cheek implants and cheek fillers are both popular cosmetic procedures that can enhance the appearance of the cheeks. Cheek implants are a surgical procedure that involves placing a permanent implant into the cheek area to add volume and definition. Cheek fillers, on the other hand, are non-surgical procedures that involve injecting a dermal filler into the cheek area to add volume and lift. When deciding between cheek implants and cheek fillers, there are several factors to consider, including your personal goals and desired outcomes, the duration of the results you are looking for, and your comfort level with surgery. However, it is worth noting that implants offer permanent results. In contrast, fillers offer temporary results as they can dissolve or be adjusted if needed, making them a flexible option.
People with deflated, sunken, hollow, or asymmetrical cheeks or those who lose cheek volume with age are ideal candidates for cheek implants. However, several other factors decide whether or not cheek implants are suitable for you, for example, your desired goals, your medical history, and your surgeon's preference. The best is to schedule a pre-procedural appointment with your doctor to determine whether or not cheek implants are a good option for you and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve your desired outcomes.